Delivery and returns

Standard delivery via PostNL
Are you not at home for the delivery time via standard delivery from PostNL? Then the deliverer can choose to deliver the package to the neighbors or to a PostNL collection point in your area. In both cases you will receive a note from PostNL in your letterbox.

Is an item not to your liking or do you want to exchange it? This can be done easily and within 14 days of receipt. Make sure that the product has not been opened or damaged, in which case contact our customer service.

Return by post
You can also return orders by post to our return address. Do not forget to mention your name and your order number. It takes on average 3 to 5 working days before you have received the purchase amount of your returned order.

If you have chosen PayPal, it can take up to 15 working days before the amount is visible on your account. Returning an order by post is at your own expense.